今天就加入我们的捐赠社区吧 用信用卡上网 或者邮寄 可列印礼品表格(pdf)!

麦克乔治提供了一种独特的法律教育方法, 根植于对学术卓越的承诺, 求知欲, 体验式学习. Here at McGeorge we provide a distinctive education to our students that will enable them to succeed with class sizes and "real world" experiences right for our market.

We continually offer a curriculum responsive to the rapid and structural changes to law practice; and are focused on providing an education that meets the needs of today's students and tomorrow's lawyers. 另外, we emphasize the need for our students to attend to their career plans from the beginning of their studies, and encourage them to take advantage of our new curricular offerings emphasizing practical and real-world experiences that provide a capstone for their classroom legal education and prepare them for the actual practice of law.


谢谢你考虑给麦克乔治捐赠慈善礼物. 校园有许多当前的需求, 你也可以把你的礼物投向对你最重要的领域. 无论你的礼物的大小或名称,我们都感谢你的支持.

你的礼物可以有很多种形式. There are a variety of options available so that giving is convenient and fits within your annual and long term planning. 

As always we need your financial support to ensure that the McGeorge student experience is unparalleled with attention being focused on skills-based and practicum courses in addition to expanding the opportunities for live-client experiences.

We have a deep commitment to build on our strengths in order to develop an educational program for today's legal market. 如果我们要实现雄心勃勃的目标,你们的支持至关重要. We invite you to partner with us in our effort to strengthen the law school so that it can continue to thrive and meet the needs of those passionate about the study and practice of law.


你的礼物可以有很多种形式. There are a variety of options available so that giving is convenient and fits within your annual and long term planning. 


鲍威尔之战 was established through the transformative $125 million Powell Fund, 这是罗伯特和珍妮特·鲍威尔夫妇的遗产. 精明的商人, Bob Powell appreciated an opportunity to leverage his philanthropy to inspire others, 有了这个项目, 他继续这样做. 鲍威尔夫妇自己并没有大学毕业, yet served as members of the Pacific Board of Regents for many years and believed deeply in the value of a Pacific education. 鲍威尔基金与太平洋基金会的新捐款比例高达1:1. Nearly $70 million is allocated for endowed scholarship matches and more than $35 million for endowed academic program matches.

An endowment is a permanent fund at the University established with contributions from donors that will be invested in perpetuity. 每年, a portion of the value of the fund is distributed to support the donor's purpose such as student scholarships or program support. 超过这一分配的任何收益都将构成基金的市场价值. 该大学目前的捐赠支出政策是4.市值的0%.

Endowed funds that provide scholarships or academic support to our faculty and academic programs are eligible for the 鲍威尔匹配 Program. Examples of academic program endowments could include support for a specific department, 教师职位, 或学生的学习机会,如学术比赛(如.g., forensics or trial advocacy), a lecture series or experiential learning programs. 奖学金捐赠的例子包括空档补助金, 中等收入的奖学金, 优秀奖学金或留学奖学金. 来自鲍威尔的礼物, nearly $70 million is allocated for endowed scholarship matches and more than $35 million for endowed academic program matches.

礼品$50,000 or more to establish or enhance an endowment may be eligible to receive a 鲍威尔匹配. 10月1日以后送出的空前礼物, 2012 may be considered for the match if an additional gift or commitment to the endowment is made. 现金礼品, 股票或其他资产, 包括长达5年的承诺, qualify for 1:1 matching so long as the assets can be liquidated within a 5-year period.

没有必要一次付清所有的礼物. 然而, neither the match nor the distribution will occur until the University has 收到了 the minimum $50,000. Payment schedules of various lengths may be established by the donor with a maximum duration of five years. 

一旦捐赠和/或认捐协议签署, 捐赠者最多有五年的时间来达到最低要求的50美元,以保证鲍威尔比赛.

个人或夫妇赠送的礼物, 一群人, family foundations or family owned businesses are all eligible to be matched by the Powell Fund.

One or more donors may commit to establish or enhance an endowment and once that endowment has been matched at the $50,000年最低, each and every additional gift by any donor will be matched on a quarterly basis for as long as matching funds are available.

The Powell Fund will match both your gift and your company's matching contribution. Your company's match can also count toward the $50,000年最低 to qualify for the 鲍威尔匹配. 所以实际上, 鲍威尔基金匹配和雇主1:1匹配之间的差距, 你的礼物将是原来的四倍.

例子: $50,000 donor gift + $50,000 employer match + $100,000 鲍威尔匹配 = $200,000 endowment


The match is made available after a gift or payments 收到了 toward a pledge total $50,000 or more. Your endowment is established in the quarter that the minimum $50,000 is 收到了. 鲍威尔匹配部分是在同一时间添加.

如果捐赠基金在6月30日前到位, it will have a full distribution (currently at 4%) annually starting the fall after one year of investment. 如果捐赠在6月30日之后达到了最低要求, 但在12月31日之前, the fund will have a half distribution (2%) starting the following fall and then a full (4%) annual distribution each subsequent year.


礼物数量 鲍威尔匹配 总养老 收到的付款 分布 预计金额
$50,000 $50,000 $100,000 2019年6月30日 2020年秋季 $4,000
$50,000 $50,000 $100,000 12月. 31, 2019 2020年秋季 $2,000
        2021年秋季 $4,000

Contact any 博彩平台网址大全 gift officer or Tod Davis, 鲍威尔匹配 Manager, at 209.946.2502 or Tdavis@sdtqh.com


In order for your gift to 麦克乔治法学院 to be considered a charitable donation by the IRS, 必须做出来, 收到了, 及/或在十二月十二日午夜前盖上邮戳. 31.


The IRS has stated that a gift by credit card is deemed to be made on the day the card is charged against the donor's account. 因此,我们建议以下指导方针:

  • 通过邮件-我们必须在12月6日前收到您的信用卡礼物. 我们有31天的时间在国税局的截止日期前办理.
  • 在线-你给McGeorge的在线礼物必须在12月11日午夜之前处理. 31.

支票的抬头人必须是McGeorge,支票日期和邮戳必须在12月8日或之前. 31.


Please contact the Office of Advancement for a list of brokers that represent McGeorge for your stock transfer.



