
Student 健康 服务 are located at the following locations:




Hours of Operation -Provider on duty Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays 8am-5pm. 诊所支持周四上午8点至下午5点开放.  



Location: Cowell 健康 Center 1041 Brookside Rd, 斯托克顿, CA, 95211

Hours of Operation- Monday through Friday 8am-5pm 





星期二上午8:30 -下午5:30


星期四早上7:30 -下午4:30 



 We provide a wide scope of services including primary care, 紧急护理, 物理考试, 免疫接种, 妇科服务, 以及持续的心理健康药物治疗. 

For specialist medical care including X-ray services, we help refer students to community providers when appropriate. 我们与社区的几位专家有联系,他们会及时紧急地为我们的学生看病, 取决于问题

Does the university require any vaccines or 免疫接种? 


所有新生(本科生), 毕业生, 转移, 和重新录取)必须遵守博彩平台网址大全的免疫要求. 有关免疫接种的更多信息,包括豁免要求,请参阅我们的 免疫接种的页面

我们的药房有限, 包括过敏和哮喘药物, 一些抗生素, 止咳感冒药, 局部皮疹治疗, 还有恶心/呕吐药物. 非处方对乙酰氨基酚/布洛芬和感冒药无需预约即可购买. 

是的, 学生健康服务处提供避孕套和避孕药物以防止怀孕. 

是的, Student 健康 服务 offers in-house urine pregnancy tests. Please contact Student 健康 服务 for Details and Pricing.  


  • 斯托克顿校区:我们位于校园北侧的Cowell健康中心(1041 Brookside Road)的人行天桥对面。. 
  • 萨克拉门托校园: We are located in Halbert Hall (3257 Fifth Avenue).
  • 旧金山校区:我们位于5楼的健康中心(513室).

是的, in most situations you will need to schedule an appointment to see a therapist. We do offer same day appointments on weekdays from 12:00pm - 4:00pm; to schedule a same day appointment, 您可以打电话给我们的前台.946.2315x2)或走进斯托克顿校区.

初次预约,请致电209.946.2315x2或完成我们的 预约表格. 如果你在斯托克顿校区, you can also stop by our front office in the Cowell 健康 Center.


Our services are funded by the 健康 Fee; therefore, our services are free to you! We do not bill your health insurance for any of our services; however, if you receive a medication prescription from our psychiatrist, 你的保险将由药房支付.

Students who are registered for future semesters (e.g., accessing our services in the summer and are registered for fall, 或在寒假期间访问我们的服务,并在春季注册)仍然可以使用我们的服务(治疗咨询和精神病学支持),不收取额外费用.

We are open when the university is open on all three campuses.

  • 斯托克顿校区
    • In Person Appointments: Monday - Friday, 8:00am - 5:00pm
    • Virtual Appointments: Monday - Friday, 8:00am - 6:00pm
  • 萨克拉门托校园
    • In Person Appointments: Monday - Friday, 8:00am - 5:00pm
    • Virtual Appointments: Monday - Friday, 8:00am - 6:00pm
  • 旧金山校区:
    • In Person Appointments: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday - 8:00am - 5:00pm
    • Virtual Appointments: Monday - Friday, 8:00am - 6:00pm

如有必要,我们在工作日中午12点至下午4点提供当天紧急治疗. We leave the decision of whether it is an emergency or not up to you.

为了帮助您做出决定,我们希望您了解以下信息:紧急预约是短暂的访问, 就像去急诊室一样. 我们会在你来的当天尽快与你见面,目的是让你在这一刻稳定下来.


1. 目前有企图自杀或对他人造成严重身体伤害的计划.
2. Having had any of the following experiences in the last 7 days:

  • Attempted suicide or made verbal or written threats to do so
  • 对自己或他人造成或试图造成严重身体伤害的
  • 遭受过身体和/或性侵犯
  • 听到或看到不存在的东西
  • Experienced uncontrollable despair, anxiety or anger
  • Been unable to provide for your own food, clothing, and shelter
  • 最近失去了一位挚爱的人


If at any time you are in danger of hurting yourself or someone else, 请立即拨打公共安全电话209.946.3911. 公共安全官员接受过帮助学生的培训,他们愿意尽其所能帮助你.

If you are thinking of hurting yourself or someone else, please call our 24/7 therapeutic support line at 209.946.2315 x3.

CAPS在所有开放工作日的下午12点至下午4点之间有同日预约. 请致电209.946.2315x2预约, or walk in to the Cowell 健康 Center on the 斯托克顿 campus.

Please call our 24/7 therapeutic support line at 209.946.2315 x3. This will connect you with a therapist who will speak with you about your concerns. 危机治疗师会在下一个工作日通知我们您的来电, the nature of your call and if you would like a follow-up phone call.

如果你是家长, 一名教员, 或者工作人员想要与某人谈论有关学生的问题,并且是在正常营业时间,请拨打我们的常规号码(209).946.2315,分机2),并要求与有空的CAPS工作人员谈谈您的担忧. If it is after 小时 please call the same number (209.946.2315,分机2)请留言. 我们会在两分钟内给您回电话 业务 小时.

All members of our permanent staff (psychologists, 持牌临床社会工作者, 婚姻家庭治疗师, and psychiatrist) have finished their degree programs. 我们每年还有两名硕士水平的临床医生,他们是心理学博士实习生. These clinicians come to us with considerable counseling experience, 完成了全国各地博士课程的所有学术要求. 没有本科生在CAPS工作.

是的. Our therapists are trained to work with students from many cultures and backgrounds. 我们尊重种族和文化多样性.

是的. 我们的治疗师接受过治疗同性恋的培训, 女同性恋, 双性恋, 性别变体, 询问客户. Our therapists respect sexual and gender diversity and affirm gay, 女同性恋, 双性恋, 性别变体, 询问个人.

Most years, we see about one in eight undergraduate and graduate students.

我们帮助学生解决各种各样的问题,从思乡到严重的精神疾病. 例如, we see students with symptoms of anxiety and / or depression, 我们看到夫妻关系出现问题, 我们看到患有双相情感障碍和边缘型人格障碍等精神疾病的人, and we see students who are adjusting to living away from home for the first time. 这些都是我们每天要处理的典型问题.

是的. Since we try to serve as many students as possible, in most cases we limit the number of sessions you can be seen each year. The therapy we offer is intended to be short-term (i.e.(一学期最多5节课). If you think you want or need longer term therapy, you will need to discuss your therapy needs with your therapist.

心理咨询服务中心的记录和你在太平洋医院的其他记录是完全不同的. 在很大程度上, 你来CAPS的事实和你在这里讨论的内容是保密的,不会透露给CAPS以外的任何人. 然而,也有少数例外. 例如, if you tell us that a child or someone over the age of 65 is being abused, we have to report that to the appropriate agency. If you tell us that you plan to seriously hurt yourself or someone else, we may have to intervene to ensure everyone's safety. 我们有时还与太平洋保健服务中心的医务人员和/或学生受害者倡导者合作. 这些例外情况将在您第一次预约时给您的知情同意声明中详细说明. 另外, 你去看的治疗师会回答你关于保密例外的任何进一步问题.

We will meet with any student for an initial assessment. 在某些情况下,治疗师确定个人的需求超出了cap提供的服务范围. 在这些情况下,我们将提供转介到其他来源的帮助在校内或校外.

CAPS有一名兼职精神病医生,每周9小时(周一和周三上午), Tuesday afternoons) and works with students across our three campuses. Appointments to meet with our psychiatrist fill quickly, 因此,我们建议尽快安排预约,以满足您的药物需求.

预约可致电209预约.946.2315x2或完成我们的 预约表格 在线.

是的. 我们的工作人员中有治疗师,他们可以帮助那些有酒精或毒品相关问题的学生. 通常,学生也受益于与CAPS治疗师会面,讨论可能与药物使用有关的个人担忧.

Here is information about specific drug and alcohol 上瘾: 

如果你担心你的酒精/药物使用,也有一些当地的资源,你可以求助, 例如AA或NA会议, 还有康复设施. 以下是离各校区较近的一些城市:


